Prepare to Play

First, download the PERPLAY app from Google Play Store or Apple App Store and install it on your device.

Sign up for PERPLAY Launch the app on the device. Then you can sign up for PERPLAY with your email address.

Create a New Wallet Click the wallet icon in the upper-right corner of the screen. Then, the app will generate a 12-word password. Your password will be used when you need to remove the app or recover your wallet if you forget your password. IMPORTANT - Keep your password in a safe place. (We recommend a place that only you can find physically).

Transfer PER to In-app Wallet You can buy NFT vehicles on the marketplace by transferring PER to your in-app wallet. Please always keep some HVH in your wallet account for transaction fees.

Buy Vehicles Go to the marketplace and select your vehicle. The filter tool makes it easier to find your preferred vehicle type. Make sure you have enough PER for your purchase.

Last updated