
You can view and manage the NFTs and items you own in Inventory.

Vehicle Inventory

Action AvailableDescription

Check details

View information about your Vehicles, including their Type, Grade, Level, Stats, Condition, Mileage, Breed Count, and more.


Pay a set amount of cost to increase the Level of a Vehicle.


Pay a set amount of cost to regain the Condition of a Vehicle.


Pay a set amount of cost to restore the Mileage of a Vehicle.


List a Vehicle for sale in the in-app Marketplace.


Transfer a Vehicle to the HAVAH wallet connected to your account.

Vehicle Box Inventory

Action AvailableDescription

Check details

View information about your Vehicle Boxes, including their Grade, how they were minted, and if they have the Polished property.

Open Box

Open the Box to earn a Vehicle NFT. The Grade and Type of the Vehicle that appear depends on the Grade and properties of each Box.


List a Box for sale in the in-app Marketplace.

Gem Inventory

Action AvailableDescription

Check details

View information about your Gems, including their color, level, and effect values.


List a Gem for sale in the in-app Marketplace.

Other items Inventory

Action AvailableDescription

Check details

View information about your items, including their level and what they are used for.


List an item for sale in the in-app Marketplace.

Last updated